The companies listed below have submitted their information to The Niagara Guide's database, or we have added their information manually. This list is NOT a comprehensive list of all businesses operating in the Niagara region.

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Niagara's Historic Bed & Breakfasts

What is a historic Bed and Breakfast? We have very simple criteria: the house has to have been built pre-1900. We have compiled a list of historic Bed & Breakfasts in Niagara with their dates of construction. Please browse through the list to find one that's right for you - or visit them all!

Beamer Falls Bed and Breakfast
140 Ridge Road West

(905) 945-1864, (905) 339-8777

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Click to find bed and breakfast accommodations by Niagara city.

New! Click here for a list of Historic Bed & Breakfasts

View Featured Bed & Breakfasts

We feature Niagara bed & breakfasts that help make Niagara a wonderful place to stay

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