"Get and Ye Shall Receive"
An example of someone I think is "with it" - Sean at the Mortgage Shopper in Niagara Falls.
It's his first week in business, yet he took the time to submit his business to The Niagara Money Guide.
Probably because he wants local exposure for his business.
But more importantly, because "he gets it".
He understands the Internet isn't going away.
He knows it's a fact that people go looking online for information and that it's often the preferred method of finding information.
He has an appreciation of effective advertising methods (sorry - shameless self-plug there).
I wish more people were like Sean at The Mortgage Shopper, 4675 Queen St., Niagara Falls, ON 905-354-1576 .
Sometimes it's true - "Get and Ye Shall Receive".
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