Niagara business and tourism directory
Niagara restaurants, wineries, golf courses, cycling routes and bridal services

Niagara Restaurants

Niagara Wineries

Niagara Bar Guide

Niagara Golf Courses

Niagara Cycling Maps

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Our Unique Approach

The differences between each of the individual directories in The Niagara Guide Network and their online competition are:

  1. Each directory endeavours to provide a COMPLETE listing of all businesses in that industry. Directories are not limited to paid advertisers or members. The comprehensive nature of each directory makes it a more valuable resource to visitors compared to other exclusive directories.
  2. All directories are linked to each other - from every page of every site and from The Niagara Guide website.
  3. Many directories have their own e-mail opt-in list for members / subscribers. Members are e-mailed on a regular schedule to inform them of what is new and to encourage repeat visitation to the website.
  4. Each directory is promoted through the direct e-mail campaigns of all other directories in The Niagara Guide Network.
  5. Directories are promoted through the Internet, radio, trade shows and through other print media.
  6. The directories are designed to achieve top positions in the major search engines and some currently dominate the top search engine positions in their categories.
  7. The sites in The Niagara Guide Network encompass a variety of directly and non-directly related industries. This provides each site exposure to a variety of audiences that they may not have otherwise reached.

Your business has much to gain for a small yearly investment. The Niagara Guide Network utilizes a proven Internet marketing concept that no other local directory website is using. We are driving qualified traffic to our participating companies and can do the same for your business.

Get involved today by clicking here.

Restaurants | Wineries | Bar Guide | Golf Courses
Cycling Maps | Bridal Directory | Niagara Outdoors
Hotels | Motels | Bed and Breakfasts | Business Directory

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The Niagara Guide Network is a project of The Web For

Niagara hotels, motels, bed and breakfast and outdoor directory

Niagara Hotels

Niagara Motels

Bed & Breakfasts

Niagara Outdoors

Niagara Bridal Directory

Niagara Business Guide