Monday, November 21, 2005

Can you recognize a business by its service?

Interesting point - I wrote in my blog about a stunningly "bland" experience I had at a Welland print shop recently. I didn't name the print shop.

Today, someone who had read my blog commented that they knew which one it was - and they DID!

What does that say about that business?

More importantly, what do people say about YOUR business? How do they describe what it is that YOUR business provides or doesn't provide?

Just something we all need to think about. We have the image we like to project about ourselves and our companies. Then there's the image that the "business-person on the street" has about our business. Sometimese the two match up pretty well. Sometimes people will think you better than you think you are.

Sometimes people will think you're full of cr@p. If there's more than one or two people out there like that, then you know you have a problem.

But how to find out?

Now there's a topic for a future posting...


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